About This Blog

I decided to create a new blog since I've mostly withdrawn from the world of social media. I will mostly use it to write about stuff I'm working on, journaling things I have done in the past, and writing my thoughts and philosophies.

The primary purpose of this blog is so that I can have an outlet for things I'm thinking about that actually requires a bit more thought and effort than social media. I do not have an intended audience - mostly just anybody who is interested in listening.

I am intentionally using my real name for the sake of accountability: it will encourage me to only publish material that I am okay with anybody knowing, including potential or current employers. I will not, however, use the real names of anybody else on this blog, except with permission. If at any point I refer to friends or family members (in particular my children), I will use a pseudonym.

On this blog, you can expect to see a variety of material discussing some of the coding projects I have been working on - most of these will be side projects, not related to work.

While I will try to avoid talking about current events specifically, I may make reference to some of them.